Worship Assistants support the officiant in providing God’s word and the sacrament of communion to the church community.

Assisting Ministers are trained lay people who assist Pastor Hammond with the worship service. Training sessions are offered. There is a rotating schedule for service.

Acolytes light the candles at the beginning of the service and extinguish them at the end of the service.

Lay Readers will read the first and second lesson and the Psalm.

Greeters arrive at service about 15 minutes early to greet members, friends and visitors and hand out bulletins.

Ushers take the offering and help direct members during communion.

Altar Care: Members prepare the altar for worship and care for the linens, and altar flowers. Training is provided.

Offering counters help count the offering on Monday mornings.

For more information please contact the church office at 610-965-9500 or bluechch@ptd.net. To serve please complete the attached form and place it in the offering plate or church office.