Family Bible Study: God’s Mission Our Ministry

The paraments for Easter are white. The Easter season consists of 50 days of rejoicing. The Easter season “ends” with Pentecost. Pentecost is referred to as the birth of the church. The disciples received the Holy Spirit and were sent out to bring the Good News to Jews and Gentiles. From this we have the formula for the work of the church.

The second chapter of Acts narrates the story of the disciples’ witness in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. It is the Holy Spirit that creates and sustains the church even today.  Luke the author of Acts places the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples on Pentecost, a Jewish festival that occurs 50 days after Passover. This follows the commandment of Christ to his disciples that they remain in Jerusalem until Pentecost (Luke 24:49). 

The Spirit-filled disciples went into the streets to share their experience. Peter gave a keynote address to all those in Jerusalem, witnessing to all he had seen. Peter proclaims that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Acts 2:21). 

Luke identifies characteristics of the faith community. First, it must remain faithful and grounded in the teachings of Jesus.  The community shares fellowship (koinonia) and a oneness in witness to the God who has saved us.  The community responds with prayers and praises.

 Where do you see the Holy Spirit acting in and through you for the sake of the Gospel?

How could your life be a witness to others for the love of God for you?

” Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it…”  

In both Romans and Corinthians Paul tells us that the community of faith is made up of people with many gifts given to them by God.  Each one has unique gifts that they can share.  Moreover, every gift is important and needed for the community, the body of Christ, to function effectively.  

What gifts has God given to you that you can share?

What role can you play in the life of the faith community? 

Is the Holy Spirit calling you to a new role?

How can the community of faith support you as you grow in faith?  

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul calls out some of the gifts given to those within a community of faith. Some are pastors and teachers. Those who serve in these roles are called upon to “equip the saints for ministry”.

Who are the saints?- All the members of the faith community.

How are they to be “equipped”? Paul tells the community that these leaders (pastors) are to help the members find ways to serve God both within and outside of the church. The pastor is to encourage the community to identify their gifts and how to use them. Serving others is how the members grow in their own faith as well as planting seeds of faith in those around them.

In our Mission formula, the pastor is one element of the formula. As a community we share the responsibility and joy of sharing God’s love and grace given to us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Reflect on the gifts that God has given you. How can you use these gifts to serve Him?

Where do you see the Holy Spirit leading you in your faith journey?

We often refer to the “church” as a building (edifice), that visible symbol in the community where we gather. While the edifice creates a presence, it is not the church.

In Corinthians Paul specifically tells the community that they are “God’s building”. In 1 Peter 5, Peter tells the community that Jesus is the foundation cornerstone. Each of them is a living stone that builds a spiritual house. Each stone is a critical piece in creating and maintaining a strong structure.

As a living stone, where do you fit into the spiritual house that God is building here in our faith community?

How are you building up the body of Christ in the places where you live and work?

Can the “building” be a gathering of 2 or more with or without an edifice? (Matthew 18:20)

After reading Paul and Peter, how do you define “the building” in our formula?