Welcome! Thanks for stopping by virtually. We invite you to join us to share God’s love with those around us through our community, our ministries and our worship. We would love to meet you on Sunday at our 10:30AM service! Experience God’s blessings with us. Come find out why the Teddy Bears are in church.
Join Our Community
Worshipping Together
Serving our Community through God’s Work Our Hands programs.
Sharing Good Times & Good Food with Friends through Church Life programs.
Studying God’s Word through Faith Life programs.
Our community includes but is not limited to members and friends from Coopersburg, Allentown, Center Valley, Upper Saucon, Lower Milford, Emmaus, Macungie, Hellertown and Alburtis.
Join Our Ministry
A multi-generational congregation of singles, seniors, families and youth. Actively participating in community service. Providing our facilities and financial support to the communities where we live and work. Why? We respond to God’s love Learn about our outreach projects in Our Ministries, God’s Work, Our Hands.
Because God loves us, we reach out in service to our community. We welcome you to lend your hands with us as we serve our communities.
Join Our Worship
How we worship: Music is integral to the Lutheran worship service and Lutheran history. The Lutheran hymnal incorporates a wide range of music style from gospel to Bach. Worship engages us through music, prayers, reflection and hymns. Communion is offered each Sunday for anyone who is baptized.
What we confess: We believe in God the Creator, God the Redeemer and God the Sanctifier. He loves us and through the life, death and resurrection of His Son offers us eternal life. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord. In our preaching and teaching we trust the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. You can learn more in the Our Ministries, Worship and Music pages. We invite you to join us this Sunday.
Still have questions?
You can contact us for more information about Blue Church by calling us at 610-965-9500. If we are away from the office, we will call you back so please leave your name and number. If you prefer to email us, please send a note to BlueCHCH@ptd.net. We look forward to hearing from you. Come and visit with us.